René Staud was born in Stuttgart in 1951. A top car photographer for five decades, he is renowned as one of the greatest innovators of automotive photography. His patented Magicflash® not only illuminated his art, but also revolutionized car photography in the studio. Still the most apt review of his work originated from Motor Presse Stuttgart:
“René Staud is a masterful photographer: his artworks are finely balanced compositions of light and color contoured with a flash. His portraits of captivating car bodywork have made a distinctive mark in the world of modern automotive photography.”
René Staud’s path to photography was defined early on: He was twelve years old when he won his first photography competitions. In 1966 he was a self-employed photographer and laid the foundation for René Staud Photography.
In 1975, at 24, he opened his first studio in Stuttgart and began to specialize in car photography. The studio’s bookings flourished, also thanks to its neighboring site to the luxury carmakers Mercedes-Benz and Porsche. Above all, the special quality, Staud’s signature style and, post-1986, his dream studio in Leonberg ensure that for Staud Studios, until today, iconic images are “made in Leonberg”.
The auto industry is not alone in treasuring the collaborative work with René Staud. For over 10 years teNeues Verlag has celebrated the photographer’s artwork with beautiful photo volumes such as The Porsche 911 Book, The Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Book, The Aston Martin Book, the Black Beauties First Edition and The Classic Cars Book as well as many other titles that became bestsellers.
René Staud is still passionate about photography and the automotive world. He devotes his time to exhibitions, events and photo shows in galleries, thus, revealing fresh enthusiasm for automotive trends – Staud’s photo shoots of collectors’ vehicles and classic cars mean the “fascination of the automobile” lives on.

IconiCars Porsche 911
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IconiCars Mercedes-Benz 300 SL
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The Jaguar Book
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Neo Classics
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