After graduating, Tobias Aichele completed a traineeship at Motor-Presse Stuttgart. The business graduate worked at the Stuttgart publishing house for a total of nine years, most recently as deputy editor-in-chief. There he dealt extensively with the sports car manufacturer for the first time in the special issues Alles über Porsche 911 and Alles über Porsche. Just in time for the thirtieth birthday of the Porsche 911, Aichele finally published the book Porsche 911 - Forever Young, which soon became a bestseller. From 1993 to 1996, Aichele once again looked behind the scenes of the Swabian company, as domestic press manager. He then published Mythos Porsche, a work that won several awards. This was followed by the book on air-cooled six-cylinder boxer engines with an accompanying audio CD with all the essential boxer sounds, biographies on Hans Herrmann as well as Huschke von Hanstein and other Porsche documentaries.
It is Tobias Aichele's motto to live his profession in order to be credible and good. His passion for historic motorsport also fits into this structure. As early as 1984, the Stuttgart native began competing with like-minded people on European race tracks - and reporting on them. Despite diverse tasks for the PR and event agency Solitude GmbH, Tobias Aichele has always remained true to journalism; he is a member of the automobile historical society (AHG).